Let's do it the easy wave!
GUIGUW (Graphical User Interface for Guided Ultrasonic Waves) is an interactive program designed to calculate the dispersive properties of stress waves propagating in waveguides immersed in vacuum. Using GUIGUW, the user can easily identify and evaluate the possible acoustic waves existing in a wide range of structures. GUIGUW is developed in Matlab and compiled as a stand-alone software. The current version can be downloaded and used for free. Check it out!
Key features
The core code of GUIGUW is based on Semi Analytical Finite Element (SAFE) formulations, which yield several advantages over analytical formulation based tools.
Latest news

GUIGUW 2.2 available for download (November 8, 2016)
We are aware that some users have started experiencing troubles with GUIGUW in October, due to some changes in the APIs that we were using. We have developed a new version that will fix these issues!
GUIGUW 2.2 is available for download. Get your free copy visiting our "downloads" page.

Paper about GUIGUW (July 19, 2011)
A paper about GUIGUW has been published by the world renowned Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). The paper is available for download on the Publisher's website at this page.